Tuesday, May 5, 2020


Question: Discuss about the Total Quality management for organizational. Answer: Introduction to the company- Collectif Designs The change in the tastes and preferences of the consumers has led to the innovations made by the multinationals and other small and medium scale industries. Development and innovation has become the primary aim of the enterprises for maintaining the sustenance in the markets (Kuo 2013). The evolution of the definite changes in the tastes and preferences of the target consumers have also given rise to the changes that are being undertaken by the furniture manufacturing companies. Collectif Designs are considering the elegance and the creativity that is the subject of the preferences of the consumers. The company is into existence since eleven years and is proven profitable in the market. The efficiency of the company in retaining the trust and the loyalty of the consumers is again an important aspect affecting the growth of the organization in the market. The companys motto is to reach out to the people with the best furniture in an affordable cost. It has helped the company in gainin g over the market. ITO Framework The collection and the treatment of wood INPUT TRANSFORMATION OUTPUT Locating the places where wood is found Survey on the region Determining the location of the source of the resource Cutting off Sawmilling, Splitting and Cutting Determination of the main resource and its acquisition Bringing the logs to the factories Transmission of the inputs to the concerned factory Working on the product Processing of the wood and seasoning Long storage of the woods is being enabled The seasoned woods are tougher Proper storage Future utilization of the wood is enabled Invests on the smooth functioning of the business concern in the future The procedures that are being undertaken by the organization for the proper utilization of the resources and thereby implement the strategies for bringing in improvements in the products helps in enhancing the production process of the commodity. The table has helped in the understanding of the ITO framework that breaks up the functions of the processes minutely. The inputs that are required by the company for undertaking the production vary according to the product that is manufactured by the company (Valmohammadi and Roshanzamir 2015). The concerned company for this report manufactures wooden furniture. Therefore, the inputs that are required by the concerned company is different from that of any other company. The concerned company requires timber and costly wood like amboyna for undertaking the specialized orders. The company is based on the objective of customer satisfaction through their guaranteed delivery services. The collection and processing of the wood helps in the understanding of the steps that are being taken by the company for storage. The inputs being the raw materials are being gathered and stored, which helps in the smooth functioning of the organization in the market. The machinery and the human resource helps in the undertaking of the functioning of the organization while the suppliers and the investors contributes to the availability of the resources that are required for undertaking the smooth functions of the company. The company is aimed at serving the customers based on their individual requirements. The basic functioning of the organization is based on the smooth functioning of the production process. Therefore, in order to ensure the smooth functioning of the company efficient productivity of the organization. The transformation stage that is being undertaken by the company helps the company in taking steps for improving the productivity or the outputs of the firm. Production of Cupboard Input Transformation Output Importing wood from the store houses Woods in the work place Section of wood as required from the lot Measurements taken Woods selected are measured Determining the quantity of wood that is required Cutting of the wood in desired shapes Determines the shape and size of the cup board Brings out a final outline of the cupboard Pasting, assembling and varnishing Creating the cupboard through fixing and proper varnishing based on the requirements Finished product Packaging Safe transmission of the furniture over to the client Customer satisfaction Literature review Quality management is an important consideration that is maintained by the organizations in order to bring in improvements in the market situation. Monitoring over the quality of the commodity has helped the organizations in meeting the expectations of the customers (Honarpour, Jusoh and Md Nor 2012). The sustenance of the organizations in the market is backed with the quality of the commodities that the company aims at delivering to the customers. Quality management is an important aspect that is being undertaken by the companies for making their progress in the market. According to Al-Swidi and Mahmood (2012), the management of the organization and the quality of the commodity helps the organization in retaining the customers and thereby helps in the sustenance and the relative growth of the organization in the international markets. On the other hand, Zhang, Linderman and Schroeder (2012) believed that the strategic decisions taken by the company affects the progress of the compan y. However, in this context the decisions taken by the company and the quality management cannot be separated as different entities. The various decisions that are being taken by the organization are to overcome the challenges that are being faced by the company based on the market competition (Gimenez-Espin,jimnez-Jimnez and Martnez-Costa 2013). Mok,Sparks and Kadampully (2013) stated that the dependence of the companies on the quality of the products that are delivered is an important aspect of the change that the company is required to undertake. Monitoring over the quality of the products is an important criterion in order to meet the expectations of the customers. Griffin (2013) believed that the advancement and the change in the buying pattern of the customers has affected the growth of the organizations. The modern minded customers are willing to pay high prices for quality products. Therefore, price is never a concern for compromising the quality of the product. The considerations that the company must undertake in order to enhance the sustenance in the market through the retention of the customers is based on the enhancement of the quality of the products that are being determined. Quality management initiative that is being undertaken by the company is based on the four factors- quality planning, quality assurance, quality control and quality improvement. The steps play a major role in determining the different aspects of the change that is being undertaken by the company for monitoring a product (Ngo and O'Cass 2012). The planning helps the organization in determining the steps and the procedures that the company must undertake in order to bring in the improvements in the products relating to the quality. Quality assurance helps the organization in taking steps to maintain the standards and the quality of the products. It helps the company in retaining the benchmark that they had achieved with the implementation of the strategies to improve the quality of the products (Heizer 2016). On the other hand, quality control helps the company in taking steps in order to make use of the strategies to retain the quality of the products, which helps in retaining the bra nd loyalty of the customers. The retention of the customers helps the organization in sustaining the brand in the market (Conti 2012). The quality improvement is the steps where the company makes use of market surveys for understanding the issues that are being faced by the customers while using their products. After the collection of the feedback, the company brings in the modifications in the products in order to enhance the quality of the products, which is based on the requirements of the customers of the company. The steps that re taken by the customers have helped in taming steps for bringing in improvements in the quality of the products and the services that are offered by the company. According to Kim, Kumar and Kumar (2012), the steps taken by the company for quality management of the product helps in determining the improvements undertaken by the organization. The changes in the organizational structure will be helping the organization in maintaining the sustenance in the market and therefore it is an important consideration that is being undertaken by the company (Oakland 2014). Quality management is an important steps that is being undertaken by the multinational companies for their growth and sustenance in the markets. Management of the quality helps the companies in redeeming the value of the customers and therefore wins over the confidence of the customers. It is a crucial part that helps in the development and the growth of the organizations in the market (Campos et al. 2014). Identified problems and recommendations The problems that are being identified with the concerned company is based on the promotional activities that the company undertook for placing their product in the market. Although they have got opportunities and capabilities to make their growth worldwide, the company has chosen to constrain their limits within a niche. It has reduced their capabilities of the growth (Wang, Chen and Chen 2012). On the other hand, the concerned company also faces the issue of specializing the orders for the individual clients which limits their scope of high scale production. However, the specialization has helped them in gaining a competitive advantage in the market. Unlike the other companies, the concerned company is more focused on serving the requirements of the clients (Goetsch and Davis 2014). Therefore, the credibility of the firm is greater than the other firms based on the quality of the products that are being delivered by them and the customer retention rate. The issues that are being fa ced by the organization are based on the lower productivity and the less promotional activities that the company should have undertaken in order to speed up their growth process (Kahreh, Shirmohammadi and Kahreh 2014). The steps that the company might consider while making its improvements is based on the decisions. The decisions help in determining the success factors of the company and the sustenance in the line of business. On the other hand, the increase in the productivity of the organization will be helping the organization in coping up with the increased requirements of the customers (Dale 2015). The increase in the productivity will help in enhancing the situation of the organization in the market; therefore, the concerned company must take steps in order to enhance the credentials of the output. The proper understanding of the market situation of the company is also required to be judged before taking a decision as it affects the growth of the organization. Bringing in modifications in the systems of the organization based on the requirements of the market and the companys requirements of sustaining the business will help in bringing in the improvements (Slack, Brandon-Jones and Johnston 2 013). There are various ways in which the company can take steps in order to enhance the promotional activities undertaken by the organization. The promotional activities that are being undertaken by the organizations are aimed at reaching out to the target customers. The influence of the target consumers on the organizational progress is huge. Therefore, the product ion processes and the marketing of the products are based essentially on the consumers of the product (Wahab, Mukhtar and Sulaiman 2013). The loyalty that is being created by the company through the delivery of the quality products has helped in retaining the value of the customers. Therefore every company, which seeks to make its progress, has taken steps to satisfy the needs and the requirements of the customers. It has helped in determining the situation of the organization in the market. The essence of the quality management is huge which is based on the satisfaction that the customer derives through the utilization of the value that is being created by the organizations through the products or the services. The major aspects of the change that is being undertaken by the organizations are based on the quality that is being delivered through the products. The concerned company aims at delivering the quality products to the customers which is again based on the preferences of the customers (Saeed and Wang 2014). Conclusion Therefore, from the above analysis, it can be stated that there is a process that is being followed by the companies based on the inputs and the transformation and the end results of the processes. The credibility and the profitability of the organizations depend on the quality of the products that are being delivered. It not only helps the company in retaining the customers of the company but also helps in the sustainable approach of the organization. The various elements that are being inspected in this report is aimed at easing the understanding process of the processes that are being undertaken by the organizations for checking the quality of the deliverables. The report summarizes the processes in a nut shell which helps in the lucid determination of the effective functioning of the organizations with the application of the processes. The report also helps in understanding the situation of a company based in Singapore and the processes undertaken by the company. It can be cited as an example for the better understanding of the ITO and the effectiveness of the undertakings of the company for its progress. Quality of the commodity plays an important role in maintaining with the expectations of the people. Therefore, in order to satisfy the requirements of the people, the company must take steps in order to monitor over the quality of the products that are to be delivered for maintaining the goodwill among the customers of the company. References Al-Swidi, A.K. and Mahmood, R., 2012. Total quality management, entrepreneurial orientation and organizational performance: The role of organizational culture.African Journal of Business Management,6(13), p.4717. Babatunde, B.O. and Adebisi, A.O., 2012. Strategic Environmental Scanning and Organization Performance in a Competitive Business Environment.Economic Insights-Trends Challenges,64(1). Campos, A.C., da Costa Mendes, J., Albino Silva, J. and Oom do Valle, P., 2014. Critical success factors for a total quality culture: A structural model.Tourism Management Studies,10(1). Conti, T., 2012.Building total quality: a guide for management. Springer Science Business Media. Dale, B., 2015.Total quality management. John Wiley Sons, Ltd. Ebrahimi, M. and Sadeghi, M., 2013. Quality management and performance: An annotated review.International Journal of Production Research,51(18), pp.5625-5643. Gimenez-Espin, J.A., Jimnez-Jimnez, D. and Martnez-Costa, M., 2013. Organizational culture for total quality management.Total Quality Management Business Excellence,24(5-6), pp.678-692. Goetsch, D.L. and Davis, S.B., 2014.Quality management for organizational excellence. Upper Saddle River, NJ: pearson. Griffin, R.W., 2013.Fundamentals of management. Cengage Learning. Heizer, J., 2016.Operations Management, 11/e. Pearson Education India. Honarpour, A., Jusoh, A. and Md Nor, K., 2012. Knowledge management, total quality management and innovation: A new look.Journal of technology management innovation,7(3), pp.22-31. Kahreh, Z.S., Shirmohammadi, A. and Kahreh, M.S., 2014. Explanatory study towards analysis the relationship between Total Quality Management and Knowledge Management.Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences,109, pp.600-604. Kim, D.Y., Kumar, V. and Kumar, U., 2012. Relationship between quality management practices and innovation.Journal of operations management,30(4), pp.295-315. Kuo, Y.K., 2013. Organizational commitment in an intense competition environment.Industrial Management Data Systems,113(1), pp.39-56. Mok, C., Sparks, B. and Kadampully, J., 2013.Service quality management in hospitality, tourism, and leisure. Routledge. Ngo, L.V. and O'Cass, A., 2012. In search of innovation and customer?related performance superiority: The role of market orientation, marketing capability, and innovation capability interactions.Journal of Product Innovation Management,29(5), pp.861-877. Oakland, J.S., 2014.Total quality management and operational excellence: text with cases. Routledge. Saeed, B.B. and Wang, W., 2014. Sustainability embedded organizational diagnostic model.Modern Economy,5(04), p.424. Slack, N., Brandon-Jones, A. and Johnston, R., 2013.Operations management. Pearson. Talib, F., Rahman, Z. and Qureshi, M.N., 2012. Total quality management in service sector: a literature review.International Journal of Business Innovation and Research,6(3), pp.259-301. Valmohammadi, C. and Roshanzamir, S., 2015. The guidelines of improvement: Relations among organizational culture, TQM and performance.International Journal of Production Economics,164, pp.167-178. Wahab, A.N.A., Mukhtar, M. and Sulaiman, R., 2013. A conceptual model of lean manufacturing dimensions.Procedia Technology,11, pp.1292-1298. Wang, C.H., Chen, K.Y. and Chen, S.C., 2012. Total quality management, market orientation and hotel performance: The moderating effects of external environmental factors.International Journal of Hospitality Management,31(1), pp.119-129. Zhang, D., Linderman, K. and Schroeder, R.G., 2012. The moderating role of contextual factors on quality management practices.Journal of Operations Management,30(1), pp.12-23 Management Question: Write an Essay explaining the Process of Gender Socialization in Our Society from either a Conflict or Functionalist Perspective. Highlight at least two agents of Socialization and how they Reinforce Gender roles in a Childs Life. Answer: Introduction Gender socialization is a concept in sociology whereby children are inducted in certain gender roles associated with the sex of the child. The young ones are trained in gender roles that reflect certain behaviors and personalities known to belong to the sexuality of the child. Functionalist holds that the society is comprised of parts each playing a specific function necessary for the harmonious existence of the society. That boys and girls are socialized in distinct ways that lead to balance and harmonious existence within the society. In a given society girls are taught different home chores with boys. While the girls are most of the time taught on how to bake and preparing other types of food boys on the other hand are taught how to clean the garden, cutting grass and ensuring the security at home is taken care of. A closer look at the type of chores done by the girls suggest that girls tend to be trained and assigned on inside home chores like cooking while the boys tend to be tr ained and assigned on outside home chores like fencing homestead compound. Different societies socialize girls and boys differently. While in one society girls arent taught how to build a family house others actually have girls as the ones responsible for building the house for the family. The Maasai of Kenya are known to train their girls how to build a Maasai house for the family. In other societies Men or boys are socialized to take up the responsibility of building a house for the family as this is considered manual work which requires a lot of energy. Some careers tend to be a preserve of one gender as a result of gender socialization. Example is nursing. In a given society when a girl says she wants to study nursing many people men and women alike will encourage her to pursue her dreams. Why? Because nursing is considered feminine as it requires a lot of care, patients and gentleness associated with girls. But when a Boy wants to study nursing it can be almost laughable. Majority part of the society will likely discourage him about pursuing his dreams and will likely ask him to reconsider his thoughts on that particular kind of profession. In the functionalist view since every aspect in the society have its own unique functions and roles the boy who wants to become a nurse will not play those specific functions of being a nurse in the society well for the harmony in the society to prevail. I.e. it will lead to dysfunction in the society. This goes a long way in showing how the society is largely gendered in many aspects. (The Rol e Of School In Gender Socialization, 2016) We have two major agents of gender socialization that is family and schoolFamily as an agent of gender socialization in the society When the child is born he/she is indifferent to the existence of certain characteristics associated with his or her sexuality. Family being the primary agent of gender socialization begins to induct the kid based sexuality. (Ritzer and Stepnisky2013) The girls tend to be trained on being future home maker while the boy is trained to become future bread winner. A good example in this case is when most parents especially mothers teaching their daughters how to prepare food. This aspect is important because it prepares the daughter for the possible role of a future mother. The boys on the other hand are encouraged mostly by the fathers on how to be able to provide for their possible future families. The message they convey is that future mothers need to know how they can prepare food for their likely future young ones and boys need to know they have a future responsibility of providing for their possible future families. These two examples contribute to gender socialization by way of pr eparing both boys and girls for the perceived future roles. (Redzic, 2014) When parents decorate their children rooms they further ingrain the gender socialization through the decoration. Youll find that girls bedrooms for example containing pictures and toys of young children. Boys bedroom on the other hand is full of combat pictures car toys and such like items. It is very rear that youll find girls room full of car toys and combat pictures the same applies to boys rooms they hardly contain any child toys. These two cases are important in that natures each sex group into future roles that they are likely to face. They contribute to gender socialization by having two distinct roles assigned to the common sex types. The message they convey is that as girls she needs to ensure that when she becomes a mother in future she can be able to take care of the welfare of her child/children. The boy on the hand is informed on his possible future role of providing and securing his family safety. All these stereotypes that parents consciously or unconsciously teach their children engrain gender socialization. Education as an agent of gender socialization Education is the secondary agent of socialization. When children reach school going age the primary agent of socialization is joined by another agent of gender socialization which education. What the children learn while at home is sometimes normalized by education. (Chafetz2006). A good example on this is when you find text books and school materials containing gendered information. A text for example of formative classes containing picture of a mother carrying a child, a female nurse attending to patients, a male driver driving a cargo truck or a male welder working on a window pen. These cases in one way or another ingrains gender socialization in a school set up. When the teacher explains to the students about the pictures she/he will further socialize the students along those lines. A picture of mother carrying a baby is important as it teaches the young girls to be responsible future parents. These contribute to gender socialization by consciously or unconsciously placing roles along the gender lines. Additionally, it serves the latent purpose of ensuring that the existing gender norms are not questioned and these are validated through education. When a child from a home whose girls room is full of child toys and pictures of young children find the same pictures in her school text book and the teachers talk about them as they explain a concept it normalizes what she has seen at home. It validates the gendered themes that the girl-child or a boy-child for that matter has seen at home. It makes them look like unquestionable gendered roles because everyone right from home to school is of the similar idea. Peer to peer influence in critical in furthering the gender socialization as appropriate social behavior and gender identity tends to develop through these interactions (Harlambos and Holborn 2008). When children meet in school from different background they are likely to share about how their rooms at home look like which toys they have at home and such like points of talk. Usually the girls share their stories with other girls while also the boys do the same. Thats already along gender lines. They will definitely share about how their mothers taught them how to bake a certain type of cake for girls and boys how to drive a car. The peer to peer influences is important to gender socialization as the peers learn from one another by sharing their individual experiences. Conclusion In conclusion for a society to experience balance functionalist hold that there has to be different and distinct roles played by boys and girls so that the society can exist without any dysfunction. The two major agents of socialization that is family and school provide avenues at which children are differently taught to perform these specific roles for harmonious existence of the society. References Chafetz, J.S 2006, Handbook of the sociology of gender,New edn, Springer-Verlag, New York Inc, USA. Crespi,I 2014. Gender socialization within the family: a study on adolescent and their parents in Great Britain, viewed 14 March 2017,https://www.mariecurie.org/annals/volume3/crespi.pdf Harlambos, M. and Holborn, M 2008,Sociology Themes and Perspectives (Haralambos and Holborn),7thedn, Collins Education, London, UK Redzic, S. (2014). Gender socialization and sex affilation. Zbornik radova Filozofskog fakulteta u Pristini, 44(2), pp.193-217. Ritzer, G and Stepnisky, J 2013, Sociology themes and perspectives, 9thedn, McGraw Hill Publication, New York, USA The Role Of School In Gender Socialization. (2016). European Journal of Educational Sciences, 3(1). Management Question: Discuss about the Evaluating Viewpoint of Academicians. Answer: Introduction of the Research The chosen subject matter for conducting the research is based on the thought process of the experts in an individual field. The fact that has prompted to this survey is the legitimacy on the part of the lecturers who are representative agents of particular subjects. In fact the manner of presentation of the main principles, segmentations and theories depends a lot on the acceptance of a subject by the students of that discipline (Chandra-Mohan et al. 2015). Any discipline develops over a period of years; therefore the practitioners tend to make efforts to procure the best out of the subject. In this order the academicians often tend to overhype it (Awang 2014).The effect of the following has proportional effect on the global educational system. In order to assess this tendency, the research has been adopted. The magnitude of comprehending a subject as simple or complicated is decided by many factors but this stands as one of the major reasons. This will be evaluated in the manner of a questionnaire. The questionnaire will be distributed to a group of professors and students who shall determine the result of the concerned issue. The responses of universities and other academic institutions are also significant because they help in allowing the prospect of a subject in their module (Newman 2016). Data Collection and Analysis Data for any research can be collected by the two following ways: Qualitative Data Analysis Quantitative Data Analysis The preferred technique for the research proposal is quantitative data analysis. Then execution will not be possible without this process. It deals with the quantified analysis among a group of selected lecturers who are also celebrated academicians. There are two approaches of data collection. Primary data collection includes filling out questionnaires, like in this case and secondary data collection includes interviewing different subject matters experts whose views and decisions are significant and relevant for this topic. It aids in assessing and also setting a future proposal, if the results are too disappointing (Palinkas et al. 2015). A set of fifteen questions have been prepared which will be distributed among 30 current lecturers of Australian University. The data analysis plan in regards to the research process is very essential as it helps to reach to a desired result. It is helpful in this case as it allows creating numerical which can measure the results either in the positive, negative and null sense of the proposal (N).One can reach to the objective of this research through application of the primary data collection methods. The survey to be conducted on the part of the experiment is the deciding factor of the whole phenomenon (Awang 2014). The quantitative questionnaire for the lecturers and academicians are as follows: 1.Name: 2.Age: 3.Profession: 4.Discipline of Study: 5.What are your views on the current system of academic discourses in your field of study? 6.Do you think academicians and subject matter expert tend to exaggerate simple logics and theories to prove gravity of the concerned subject? Elaborate your view. 7.What do you think of the rules and representation of the concerned subject that are prevalent in your serving institution? 8.Elucidate some suggestions in bridging the gap between the notion of your subject and the reluctance of students to opt for it. 9.What measures can be adopted by the academicians and practitioners of the discipline in order to make this an effective rather than an imposed learning outcome for the students? Dicussion of Result The questionnaire prepared shall be open ended in nature and shall include all the results of the samples. In the context of the conducted survey, the research will proceed for further analysis. The situation that has derived from the survey handed over to 30 academicians who also serve as lecturers in various Australian University. A questionnaire was prepared and printed which was proposed in hand to the subject matter experts. The questionnaire was prepared and arranged on three conditions. The probable outcomes have been measured in such a way that the effectiveness and efficacy of this survey was maintained (Punch 2013). It received an overwhelming response. Primarily the lecturers were agitated but on better understanding they came up with the responses to the distributed survey forms. Undoubtedly the discussions will include the controversial factor associated with this research topic. The professionals who study their subject of choice and their application of the theories will entail the objective of this quantitative analysis. Out of the 30 subject experts, there were no responses from 2 people, which reduced the whole analysis on 28 lecturers. This result has been considered in the final procedure while claiming the generated output form this research. The output on following experiments as well as research motivation to increase interest in the subject will be judged and whether the effect turns out to be feasible will be looked into while analysis the research. The questionnaire involved questions relating to the issue raised and proposed suggestions and honest views regarding the current sit uation. There involvement of the education sector was received high appreciation from each of the conducted survey form. The important elements determining the results had a shocking percentage which revealed the philosophies of the academicians (Bryman 2014). Conclusion The conclusion that has derived after conducting the survey on a group of professionals in their field of subjects can be used purposefully in attaining better perspective on the part of the students. It is also useful for the teachers involved in framing the modules of the subject and imparting knowledge about it. The applied methodology for this research is quantitative. The approach of conducting a survey among a group of lecturers was evident of the various perspectives that have emerged out of this research. This analysis is significant for evaluating the viewpoint of the academicians, which can be opined on the basis of the obtained results. The attempts to understand the theories have revealed different results in different subjects. Any subjects that allow the degrees of Majors like liberal arts and economics or engineering will always be followed by the urge to improve in terms of the practical complications. The recommendations for future research in evaluating the viewpoint of the academicians must include the appropriate theories for deciding the best possible alternative in opting for a subject. Hopefully there will be amendments brought about in the curriculum that will certainly affect the perspectives. Reference Awang, Z., 2014. A handbook on SEM for academicians and practitioners: Step by step practical guides for the begineers (Vol. 2 Firs.).Perpustakan Negara Malaysia: MPSW Rich Resources. Babin, L.A., Lopez, T.B. and LaFleur, E.K., 2015. Academicians and Practitioners Views of Marketing Students Required Knowledge and Skills: A Structured Abstract. InMarketing Dynamism Sustainability: Things Change, Things Stay the Same(pp. 325-326). Springer International Publishing. Bryman, A., 2015.Social research methods. Oxford university press. Chandra-Mohan, R., Thomas, S., Wong, T. and Sundaram, S., 2015. A content analysis of assessment tasks of academicians from different disciplines. In3rd Dubai International Conference in Higher Education(pp. 263-269). Brown Walker Press. Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research,42(5), pp.533-544. Goodman, J.K., Cryder, C.E. and Cheema, A., 2013. Data collection in a flat world: The strengths and weaknesses of Mechanical Turk samples.Journal of Behavioral Decision Making,26(3), pp.213-224. Neuman, W.L., 2016.Understanding research. Pearson. Palinkas, L.A., Horwitz, S.M., Green, C.A., Wisdom, J.P., Duan, N. and Hoagwood, K., 2015. Purposeful sampling for qualitative data collection and analysis in mixed method implementation research.A Punch, K.F., 2013.Introduction to social research: Quantitative and qu Management Management Question: Write an analysis Of Range Rover-The Suv Brand Of Land Rover? Answer: Introduction- A famous brand of British Car Manufacturer Company Jaguar Land Rover is LAND ROVER. This company has specialized mainly in the production of four wheeler car. This company is mainly popular for the production of sports utility vehicle .The sports utility vehicle (SUV) brand of this company is known as the RANGE ROVER. This is the flagship model of the Land Rover. Initially the name of this company was Rover Company. This company then produced only one type vehicle. After 2008, An Indian Company Tata Motors acquired this company. The Land rover as a company started its journey from the year 1978.Before that, it was the product of Rover Company which was subsequently merged into the division of Rover-Triumph of the British Leyland Motor Corporation following the company Leyland Motor corporation which took over the Rover Company in 1967.At present , the company produces a wide range (small, medium luxury) of SUVs(Sports Utility Vehicles)and sells it worldwide (DAS RANGE ROVER-DESIGN: MODERN, KLAR UND ELEGANT, 2012). The Land Rover has been operating in the U.A.E car market since 1948. The country U.A.E is popular for its harsh, sandy environment. In this type environment SUV is the ideal car type to use. Therefore within a short span of time, the models of the brand Range Rover became very popular in the Arabian Country the middle east countries after launching. Initially, the land Rover cars were the only medium of transport. Eventually, because of the off road features of the RANGE OVER models , Dubai Arabia becomes the centre of the most sophisticated consumers of the SUV models produced by the Land Rover Company. At present, many popular automobile companies like Lexus, Infinity, Mercedes -Benz, Porsche, and BMW has launched their own SUV brand and sold these in the U.A.E market. Since all the companies are very strong company, therefore the SUV car market in Dubai becomes very competitive. Competitors Analysis: A primary research has been conducted on a large no. of people in Dubai who are SUV model user, to get an idea about their views regarding different SUV models sold in the Dubai market. At the time of sample survey, the SUV consumers are asked about the features, price affordability, type of engines, fuel consumption, seating capacity, safety features, Interior feature and comfort features (Indexuae.com, 2015). The consumers are asked to answer in terms of Excellent, Satisfactory, Very Good, Good, and Bad. The results of conducted sample survey are illustrated in the following tabl Cars Range rovar(suv brand of land rover) Gla class(suv brand of mercedes-benz) Bmw suv(suv brand of bmw) Exterior features Moderate exterior features Highly attarctive exterior features Attarctive exterior features Price Very high price.elite class can only buy this car Relatively moderate price but beyond the availability of middle income class High price.affordability limited to the elite class high income class Engines Satisfactory engine power Satisfactory engine power Good engine power Fuel consumption Fuel consumption is good Fuel consumption is good High fuel consumption Seating capacity High seating capacity Moderate high seating capacity Low seating capacity Safety features Satisfactory safety features Satisfactory safety features (yallamotor.com, 2015) Excellent satisfactory features Interior features Very good interior features Moderate interior features Excellent interior features Comfort features High comfort features High comfort features Excellent comfort feature From the above sample survey result, It can be seen that range rover consumers are very much satisfied with their car. On the other hand the people who have SUVs produced by Mercedes Benz, BMW are relatively less satisfied with their product. Also according to the SUV customers the outer-look of the Range Rover is very elegant. Also the models of range rover are available in a variety of colours such as back, grey, brown, red etc (Yallamotor.com, 2015). On the other hand the colour availability of other SUV models produced by the Mercedes-Benz, BMW, Lexus, and Infinity is very low (Fogelson, 2015). Thus, It can be seen that Land Rover Company gives more wider choice option to its SUV customers than other companies (Edmunds, 2015). Market Analysis: Strategic Analysis: The above figure is a strategic map. This map illustrates the indirect direct competitors of the brand RANGE ROVER (the SUV brand of the Land Rover) in the Dubai Automobile market. This map shows that Mercedes-Benz, BMW Porsche has been producing their SUV model only for the status oriented elite class customers. Range Rover AUDI target those customers who are belonging to both elite class high income class also more utility style oriented. This segment of consumers wants to buy such SUV which are more elegant in look and also serve their utility. Other SUV producing automobile companies like Lexus, Infinity. Chrysler, Nissan targets those customers who concerned only for their utility fulfilment. These brands can be marked as a low end brands because of the targeting customer section of these automobile companies are less status oriented more utility oriented and also generally comes from high middle class income group. Environmental Analysis Pest Analysis:- Political Legal The economies of the seven emirates of the U.A.E are of the crown type. Each economy is controlled by its own king. There does not exist any political instability. Hence, it can be said that the trade activity in the U.A.E market will not be affected by any political disturbance. It can be said that economic activities of Land Rover will not be hampered by any political issues. Also the economy of U.A.E is a tax free economy. Therefore Land Rover can utilise this opportunity to its business development by adopting different effective strategy. Economic The price of various goods such as property, house rent, fuel cost, food, electricity has increased during the financial year 2013-2014. This led to the increase in the inflation of 4.65%.The price of the auto mobile product especially the luxury car model has shifted upward. Because of this increment, the sale of the SUV model is expected to decrease in the next financial year. Dubai is one of the richest emirates in the World. The customers of the SUV model of Land Rover Company in Dubai are more utility oriented .This means they do not treat this car model as luxurious goods. Hence it can be expected that the sale of Rand rover model will not be affected in the Long run due to volatility in fuel car price. Social The geographical environment of the Dubai U.A.E is very sandy harsh. The residents of the Dubai have to use cars that can run smoothly through desert and lands full with sand. Keeping this fact in the mind, it can be said that SUVs are ideal car for the Dubai people. Also people who likes to travel in the desert with an elegant looking car, range Rover is the best car for them. Dubai is a famous tourist spot. For travellers safety, it is mandatory to use SUV model in the tourism industry. This encourages Land Rover to lunch more outlet in the Dubai market due to high demand for SUV in this industry (Dubai.com, 2015). Technological Technological features of the SUV models of the Land Rover are very unique and modern than other auto mobile companys SUV model. The safety features, engine capacity, other technical features of the Range Rover models are very advanced if they are compared to the SUV models of other automobile company. Customer analysis: i) Who are the customers? People belong to the high Income class elite class of Dubai Emirates. The adventurous travellers who want to travel in the desert area the person involved in the tourism industry of Dubai emirates and other U.A.E emirates. ii) What do they buy? Different models of the Sports Utility Vehicle of Land Rover Company iii) Where do they buy? Different outlets of the Land Rover Company in Dubai iv) How do they use? The Customers of the Range Rover mainly used their car as a daily utility purpose and sometimes they used as a style status statement. v) Why do they use? The SUV MODELS of the Land Rover Company is ideal for commuting in the sandy environments. The physical environment of Dubai is same as the desert environment. The SUV model can run smoothly in this type of roads. Also travellers can make safe journey using this type of car models when they are travelling in the desert area. vi) When do they buy? Since most of the users of the SUV models are coming from the high income elite class, they have no time preference to buy Car. Since some consumers have used this car as a style status statement, therefore they will become more interested to buy SUV at the time of launching new SUV model. Also during the festive season, when the company announces any attractive offer then also the customers will be encouraged to buy car or exchange their old model with the new SUV model. Customer Segmentation: Demographics: The targeted customer of the SUV model produced by the Land Rover Company is the residents aged between 30-60 years. Mainly working people in a high income job and the people who have to commute to their office with their own vehicle are the targeted customer group of the Land rover Company to sell their SUV model. Behavioural: Most of the customers are the working employee of a high income job. Also people like adventure people working in the tourism industry preferred to buy SUV to ensure their safety while making journey. swot analysis of range over(the suv model of land over): Strength Aluminium made body structure Eco friendly Two Engine option(Petrol Disel) Can run smoothly in the flooded area Attractive Exterior Interior looks Advanced safety features Weakness High Price High fuel consumption Difficulty to find service centre original spare parts Opportunity Very popular brand in Dubai Car market SUV models of other companies are highly expensive Elegant look Highly Preferred by the status concerned customers Threats Many strong competitors Low availability Continuous improvement of technology by the rival companies Small no. Of showrooms in the Dubai mark Internal Analysis: Value Chain Analysis: Firm Infrastructure The Infrastructural situation of Land Rover is excellent. The Factory of Range Rover is fully equipped with the up-to-date technology. The technology used in the manufacturing units is eco friendly. Therefore the production process emits low pollution as much as it is possible to the environment. Human Resource Management The workers in the manufacturing unit and also in the sales unit are well trained. The entire employee especially who engage in the manufacturing unit have to undergo a training process following an examination process .This has been done to ensure the quality of the production. Technological development All the technology used in the production are modern innovative technology. After final production .All the Cars have been checked by the expert personnel to ensure the safety conditions. Procrement Land Rover Company provides a wide variety of SUV with attractive exterior, interior safety features, two types of engines (to operate both in petrol diesel) in different colour. The price of a particular model depends on its colour features. The overall price level of the SUV models of the Land Rover Company is high. Inbound Logistics The parts of the Range Rover iare assembled the final model is made only in five different locations in Britain (Jaguarlandrover.com, 2015). Operation Land Rover offers an excellent quality SUV after taking into account the environmental fact of Dubai and also the customers preference. Outbound logistics Land Rover sells its SUV model in the Dubai market through different outlets (Newsroom.jaguarlandrover.com, 2015). Marketing sales Land Rover uses different types advertising strategy to increase its sale. It hires popular actors as an ambassador of this brand. Also this company uses social media such as facebook, instragram, and twitter for attracting modern customers. Service The company offers wide range of SUV models available in different colours (Slideshare.net, 201 Conclusions: The Land Rover is popular in the Dubai Market for its Range Rover series. This SUV brand has been facing high demand mainly for its attractive outlook and safety features. But this company has to face some strong rival company, which produce almost the same type model using modern technology. These companies have continuously tried to improve their technology through intensive Research Development. This creates a very serious threat to the Land Rover Company. Therefore, it can be concluded that Land Rover company should take an effective strategy to remove its weakness and also increase its sale amount popularity for retaining its position in Dubai Car market. References DAS RANGE ROVER-DESIGN: MODERN, KLAR UND ELEGANT. (2012). ATZextra, 17(7), pp.20-23. Dubai.com, (2015). Dubai Geography - Information, climate and weather in Dubai. [online] Available at: https://www.dubai.com/v/geography/ [Accessed 9 Jul. 2015]. Edmunds, (2015). 2015 Porsche Macan SUV Pricing Features | Edmunds. [online] Available at: https://www.edmunds.com/porsche/macan/2015/ [Accessed 9 Jul. 2015]. Fogelson, J. (2015). Read Up on the Chrysler SUV and Crossover Family. [online] About.com Autos. Available at: https://suvs.about.com/od/chrysle1/a/ChryslerOverview.htm [Accessed 9 Jul. 2015]. Indexuae.com, (2015). Automobile Manufacturers, Car Makers UAE United Arab Emirates 1. [online] Available at: https://www.indexuae.com/Top/Business_and_Economy/Industries/Automobiles/Auto_Manufacturers [Accessed 9 Jul. 2015]. Jaguarlandrover.com, (2015). Production Operations | Jaguar Land Rover Corporate Website. [online] Available at: https://www.jaguarlandrover.com/gl/en/innovation/production-operations/ [Accessed 9 Jul. 2015]. Landrover-me.com, (2015). Land Rover MENA | Above and Beyond | Born of The Sand. [online] Available at: https://www.landrover-me.com/en/above-and-beyond/born-of-the-sand.html [Accessed 9 Jul. 2015]. Newsroom.jaguarlandrover.com, (2015). Latest Land Rover News Articles | Jaguar Land Rover Media Centre. [online] Available at: https://newsroom.jaguarlandrover.com/en-in/land-rover/news/ [Accessed 9 Jul. 2015]. Newsroom.jaguarlandrover.com, (2015). Latest Land Rover News Articles | Land Rover Media Centre. [online] Available at: https://newsroom.jaguarlandrover.com/en-us/land-rover/news/ [Accessed 9 Jul. 2015]. Nissan, (2015). Nissan India | SUV, Sports, Commercial, and 4X4 Vehicles. [online] Available at: https://www.nissan.in/ [Accessed 9 Jul. 2015]. Range Rover Evoque Versatile Technology, Pure Art. (2012). Auto Tech Rev, 1(8), pp.58-63. Slideshare.net, (2013). Land rover. [online] Available at: https://www.slideshare.net/danyjuniuss/land-rover-24007976 [Accessed 9 Jul. 2015]. Slideshare.net, (2015). Value chain analysis. [online] Available at: https://www.slideshare.net/monishrm/value-chain-analysis-23849383 [Accessed 9 Jul. 2015]. The WritePass Journal, (2012). Strategic Analysis (PESTEL, SWOT and Five Forces) of Ford Automobile. [online] Available at: https://writepass.com/journal/2012/12/strategic-analysis-pestel-swot-and-five-forces-of-ford-automobile/ [Accessed 9 Jul. 2015]. Uaeinteract.com, (2015). UAE - The Official Web Site - News. [online] Available at: https://www.uaeinteract.com/news/default3.asp?ID=320 [Accessed 9 Jul. 2015]. Yallamotor.com, (2015). YallaMotor. [online] Available at: https://www.yallamotor.com/ [Accessed 9 Jul. 2015]. Management Questions: 1. Analyse the reasons for the problems faced by Toyota in 2009. 2. Identify Toyota's capabilities and core competencies. How is Toyota placed internally to effectively implement the initiative proposed by Akio Toyoda? 3. What should Akio Toyoda do to return Toyota to profitability? Answers: 1. The reasons for the problems faced by Toyota in 2009 are briefly mentioned below (Connor, 2010). Global economic crisis which initiated in 2007-2008 and reached its peak in 2009 resulting in plummeting demand in US which is one of the biggest markets for Toyota. Additionally there was slowdown in demand elsewhere including Japan and a rising yen further compounded the problems. The aggressive growth path pursued by the company since the last two decades so as to become the market leader resulted in the quality standards becoming increasingly lax due to which the number of recalls showed a sudden surge. The recall crisis of the company was further compounded by the fact that there were differing explanations on the origin of the problems resulting in recall due to which the consumers were not satisfied and hence consumers started looking for other products which offered superior quality and safety at similar prices and thus reducing demand at a period when the global economy was in a crisis. 2. Toyotas primary core competency has always been the superior quality people tend to associate with their offerings. Additionally the supply chain of Toyota along with labour management policies is considered to be highly capable with emphasis on lean manufacturing. At the time of this crisis, Toyota was ill placed internally to implement the initiative proposed by Akio Toyoda. Akio demanded a fresh look at cars with a focus on manufacturing better cars which pass through more rigorous safety tests and additionally can inspire the drivers. Clearly this required a focus on innovation (particularly in designing) and a change in the mindset of the employees or else the company would have perished. However the existing culture bolstered by the decade long success that Toyota had witnessed was that of complacency and being laid back with a relentless focus on efficiency in the current set of activities (Hall, 2009). However the change in business environment required that the company un dergoes an overhaul of the internal management culture so that employees and other stakeholders such as suppliers are better adept at adapting to the new business environment. 3. It is imperative that in order to return to profit, Akio Toyoda must focus on the core competencies of the company and must facilitate an environment where innovative practices can lead to superior quality cars. For this it is imperative that changes in the organization structure and the executive positions need to be made so that essentially the people at the top are those who can drive innovation and change (Taylor, 2012). Additionally prudence needs to be observed in the selection of suppliers so that quality raw materials and parts are provided to the company. Clearly the designing team needs to be much more innovative in their designs based on the demands of the customers in different geographies. Further the testing procedures need to be made more robust so as to ensure that the incidents of recall are minimised and the value proposition of Toyota brand is maintained. References Connor, M. 2010. Toyota Recall: Five Critical Lessons, Business Ethics, Available [Online] from: https://business-ethics.com/2010/01/31/2123-toyota-recall-five-critical-lessons/ (Accessed on April 17, 2015) Hall, K. 2009. Toyoda on Toyota: "Grasping for Salvation, Bloomberg, Available [Online] from: https://www.businessweek.com/globalbiz/blog/eyeonasia/archives/2009/10/toyoda_on_toyot.html (Accessed on April 17, 2015) Taylor, A. 2012. Akio Toyoda: Toyota's comeback kid, Fortune Magazine, Available [Online] from: https://fortune.com/2012/02/09/akio-toyoda-toyotas-comeback-kid/ (Accessed on April 17, 2015)

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