Thursday, August 27, 2020

Response paper of chapter 6 of Inside Rikers They Keep Coming Back Essay

Reaction paper of section 6 of Inside Rikers They Keep Coming Back - Essay Example For me, in spite of damaging society’s laws, hoodlums ought to likewise be viewed as â€Å"clients† who can be guided back to the â€Å"right track† through tending to their employability and clinical needs and objectives. Society can't dodge the drawn out reaction to recidivism and use â€Å"medical lollipops† rather (Wynn, 2001); in actuality, the legislature and society should bolster programs that join training, restoration, and lawful work to viably lessen recidivism among ex-convicts. Wynn (2001) clarified that projects like KEEP ordained convicts to bomb, in actuality, since they offered insufficient, however cost-proficient, answers for extreme chronic drug habits. She portrayed the foundations of KEEP. She noticed that when city authorities became frightened that sharing needles among addicts prompted higher HIV/AIDS levels, they made the methadone detoxification program called KEEP or Key Extended Entry Program in 1987. KEEP empowered addicts to get to methadone all through their span of detainment, which midpoints forty-five days however can most recent a year or 18 months (Wynn, 2001). Wynn (2001) underscored that, â€Å"Rikers Island is the main prison framework in the United States where addicts can be kept up on methadone for their whole length of stay.† In this sense, she as of now addresses why punitive frameworks even considered utilizing addictive medications like methadone to end heroin habit. Wynn (2001) is mindful so as to stay away from the over the top invalidating of the supportive impact of KEEP when it is utilized as a â€Å"tool to control medicate use, not to fix it.† She referenced rules expressing that â€Å"If controlled cautiously, methadone can dispose of the hankering for opiates just as the euphoric effects† (Wynn, 2001). Notwithstanding, she focused on that these rules are not, at this point appropriately applied inside and outside jail, which brings about more prominent illicit drug use for

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Free Essays on Literary Techniques In “We Real Cool“

stresses the sentiment of solidarity among them. For instance, when â€Å"Left school. We† (2) is perused, the word â€Å"we† sticks out, and the pool players’ harmony is comprehended. At the point when the last line â€Å"Die soon† remains solitary, the peruser faculties that each pool player is distant from everyone else once the person in question passes on. As a result of Gwendolyn’s utilization of these scholarly methods, perusers comprehend the topic of her sonnet: Even however following the joyful group seems is by all accounts the correct way, it normally finishes in an aimless and desolate life.... Free Essays on Literary Techniques In â€Å"We Real Coolâ€Å" Free Essays on Literary Techniques In â€Å"We Real Coolâ€Å" Scholarly Techniques in â€Å"We Real Cool† Gwendolyn Brooks utilizes scholarly strategies, for example, vernacular, amusing perspective, and sentence structure to complement the subject and persona in â€Å"We Real Cool.† The speaker, or persona, in â€Å"We Real Cool† has a dark vernacular. This lingo is utilized to portray the gathering of pool players at the Golden Shovel. In the expression â€Å"We genuine cool,† (1) the action word is precluded, which complements the pool players’ absence of instruction. The pool players’ perspective on themselves and their activities contrasts from that of Gwendolyn Brooks. This unexpected perspective is utilized to pass on that in spite of the fact that the pool players accept they are partying hard, their lives are really going no place. On the off chance that Gwendolyn Brooks felt a similar path as they do, their lives would show up progressively wonderful to the peruser. In the sonnet, language structure is utilized to additionally portray the demeanor of the pool players. The anomalous requesting of the words underscores the sentiment of solidarity among them. For instance, when â€Å"Left school. We† (2) is perused, the word â€Å"we† sticks out, and the pool players’ harmony is comprehended. At the point when the last line â€Å"Die soon† remains solitary, the peruser faculties that each pool player is distant from everyone else once the person in question kicks the bucket. On account of Gwendolyn’s utilization of these abstract strategies, perusers comprehend the subject of her sonnet: Even however following the cheerful group seems is by all accounts the correct way, it as a rule finishes in a trivial and desolate life....

Friday, August 21, 2020

The Best of Amsterdam

The Best of Amsterdam The Best of Amsterdam Have you ever heard of city-ism? Well, you probably haven’t, because I just made that word up… but I strongly believe this should be included in a dictionary (maybe the urban one). So, the reason this word came to mind is that Amsterdam is one of the cities about which people have the strongest prejudices (mainly related to the coffeeshops and the Red Light District).If it’s not cool to judge a person based on very few superficial characteristics, it’s definitely a mistake to judge cities like that â€" that’s what I mean by city-ism.Luckily, there are ways out of this. Here are a few suggestions of how to get past the prejudices and start enjoying the best of Amsterdam:1. Get a bike!!!!!!You know the saying “When in Rome, do as the Romans do!” Well, to enjoy the best of Amsterdam, this rule is essential.This is not because there’s no public transport or cars, but it’s just so much fun to cycle your way all around the city. And since the whole international experience is about integrating into the new environment, you will definitely want to start using your bike all the time, because trust me, everyone cycles here (seriously, I think there are hig her chances of getting run over by a bike than by a car).2. Explore the parksThey might not be so big, as Amsterdam is rather a small city itself, but they are absolutely great. And combining cycling with the parks is simply liberating!You can start with Vondelpark, which is “vonderful”, and end with Amsterdamse Bos. The latter is more than a park for sure. One could say it’s like a ‘city forest’, and a great thing about it is that you can go canoeing (pretty cool right?), apart from all the other sports you can play on its wide fields.3. Enjoy the street artFrom dogs jumping through hoops, to fire shows, to all kinds of people playing all kinds of exotic instruments, to unknown bands playing the most breath-taking songs you’ve ever heard… You’ll find all these just by wondering around the streets of Amsterdam or in the main squares like Leidseplein, Museumplein or Rembrandtplein.4. Get off the beaten track You may instinctively avoid leaving the main streets, but th e little alleyways often lead to the best of Amsterdam has to offer. One such hidden marvel is Begijnhof, a quiet garden surrounded by old canal houses, situated where you would least expect to find such a place â€" near the center of the shopping district.The entrance to this little paradise is tucked behind an ordinary door on the Spui square, but the tranquil feeling of the place is definitely out of the ordinary. You should also know that Amsterdam is one of the safest cities in Europe, so feel free to enjoy it fully!5. Go to live music showsThere are many ways to have a quality night out in this city on a student budget. One of them is to go to a jazz bar like Alto or Bourbonstreet where various artists thrill the ears of the audience with their jamming.For those of you who always dreamed of a career in the spot light, this could actually   be an opportunity to make your dreams come true, since most of the bands are open to playing with any passionate person.Another special pla ce is Bimhuis, where on Tuesdays, young artists from the Conservatory gather to create a truly unforgettable experience. Moreover, if you are looking for something a bit more sophisticated but still free of charge, the Concertgebouw has free afternoon concerts that you can enjoy every Wednesday. These are called “lunch concerts” â€" music is indeed the best food for the soul!Now, with the best of Amsterdam in mind, I can only advise you not to let yourself fall into the superficiality trap and let this great city get under your skin!See where Amsterdam ranks in the QS Best Student Cities More about studying in the Netherlands Student’s guides to: London, Paris, New York, Melbourne…