Friday, December 27, 2019

Sci Fi (Science Fiction) and Fantasy Essay - 849 Words

Whether you are a fan or not, Science Fiction and Fantasy is, or has been, present in your life at some point. The genre has helped progress society in many ways. Sci-fi and Fantasy are for the creative. One cannot embrace the wild and imaginative plot lines without the ability to think creatively. Sometimes the fantastical ideas presented in the books and shows are absorbed by these creative and inventive minds and applied to the real world. Gene Roddenberry, the creator of Star Trek once said, â€Å"For me science fiction is a way of thinking, a way of logic that bypasses a lot of nonsense. It allows people to look directly at important subjects.† These genres are a way of looking at the world in a whole new light, exploring endless†¦show more content†¦So many movies nowadays are based on books, many of which have a strong Science Fantasy element. People of all ages are becoming interested in the genre thanks to new series such as Harry Potter by JK Rowling a tale filled with fantasy elements like wizards and warlocks. Twilight a love story that revolves around vampires, written by Stephanie Meyers, is a very popular fantasy trilogy among teenage girls. The Dystopian feel of the Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins and of Divergent by Veronica Roth is Science Fiction with a message to modern society. Movies are coming out based on classic fantasy books too, such as The Hobbit by JRR Tolkien, the prequel to the hit Lord of the Rings series. The British Sci-fi Drama Doctor Who just celebrated its 50th anniversary! Not to mention the recent reboot of Star Trek and the upcoming Star Wars films. Video games, too, have felt the influence of the genre with huge games like Assassin’s Creed, BioShock, and Portal. With these interesting bits of media becoming so well known and loved I wouldn’t be surprised if Science Fiction/ Fantasy grew even more common in the years to come. Science fiction is everywhere. A lot of technology that we take for granted today was talked about or dreamed about in Sci-fi years before it came to exist in the real world. Of course, not everything in Science Fiction/Fantasy is aShow MoreRelatedScience Fiction Film Genre Analysis Paper1450 Words   |  6 PagesGenre Definition Paper The science fiction film genre is absolutely the hardest to define. It can easily be confused with or applied to Fantasy films and some horror films as well. Genres are used to identify types of films, and outside of science fiction this is a fairly simple process. A Western is set in the west and has cowboys and Indians. A gangster film has a plot revolving around the mafia. A horror film is centrally purposed to scare the viewer. 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Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Adam Smith And Karl Marx - 1674 Words

I. Adam Smith and Karl Marx Contemporary economics are best explained by comparing two foundational thinkers that have contributed to the better understanding of liberalism, one being its proponent Adam Smith and the other being its most significant critic, Karl Marx. Both thinkers are profoundly important in locating and investigating the roots of neoliberalism as well as exploring alternatives ways to challenge neoliberal economics in the face of its post-cold war expansion as the inevitable and only alternative to redistribution and economic justice. This essay traces the emerging ideas of classical liberalism as articulated by Smith and their subsequent deployment in the debates that produced neoliberalism. In this context, Marx and Marxism are utilized to expose and deconstruct the shortcomings of both liberalism and neoliberalism and their limits in providing solutions to the structural symptoms of liberal and neoliberal capitalism. Adam Smith was key in articulating early Enlightenment liberalism as an alternative to the increasing state powers and their subsequent involvement in regulating not only markets but also individual liberties. For Adam Smith, the free flow of goods and services was part and parcel of the early notions of individual liberties. In other words, Smith understood that the rising specialization of businesses, which would increase with industrialization, would render individuals mere machines in the process of labor and production whileShow MoreRelatedKarl Marx And Adam Smith Essay1639 Words   |  7 PagesPresence of the Theories of Karl Marx Adam Smith Within the Canadian Economy Written by: Jason Kothary, Zach Shafi, Sam Girma Kevin Sallaku Research: Ryan Salehi, Zack Izzeddin, David Moffett, Cameron Bernardo, Harrison Toms, Taha Mahmood, Anthony Alexiou, Jason Kothary, Zach Shafi, Sam Girma Kevin Sallaku Canada’s economy is one that exhibits a multitude of characteristics that adhere to the capitalist and socialist constructs of a mixed system. In order to clearly define and analyze theRead MoreAdam Smith And Karl Marx1055 Words   |  5 PagesDerek Ding Economy Ms. Walsh Period D Adam Smith and Karl Marx Adam Smith and Karl Marx are famous for their influential and prominent theories about economics. Two difference thoughts indeed are contributions that can change the world. In Adam Smith s â€Å"Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations†, he introduced an idea where producers work in ways they want and get paid by how much work they put in. In other words, they can set up prizes that they thinkRead MoreAdam Smith and Karl Marx1053 Words   |  4 PagesAdam Smith and Karl Marx both came from very different worlds, however they saw the world in similar ways. Both had thoughts derived from different views. Smith had a very capitalistic view on things, while Marx was socialist in many ways. They expressed their thoughts in ways that were surprisingly similar while other ideas were dissimilar. Ultimately socialism and capitalism can go hand in hand. One main idea that both works addressed was the productivity of work and the ability to accumulateRead MoreAd am Smith And Karl Marx973 Words   |  4 PagesAdam Smith and Karl Marx were two economic philosophers who each introduced revolutionary ideas concerning economic systems, and their effect upon social progress and prosperity. Smith proposed an economic system, known as capitalism, in which a laborer s wage is wholly relative to their contribution to increasing the means of production; productivity is capitalism s main objective, as it inevitably results in increased profit and revenue. Conversely, Marx proposed an economic system, known asRead MoreAdam Smith And Karl Marx1924 Words   |  8 Pagesshould be achieved Latin America. Adam Smith and Karl Marx are examples of the main two views. Adam Smith, a Scottish Philosopher, was a critique of controlled markets and supported the idea that consumers should be able to engage in a free market in order to achieve overall self- profit. 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Although it made little impact in its time, it conceptualised the economy in a radical new way: in terms of individual agents, acting out of self-interest. From an individualist perspective, he argued that people produced goods in order to make money, and made money in order to purchase goods they valued most. The exchange takes place in a market, where prices are set a ccording to costs and the demand for the good. ThisRead MoreAdam Smith and Karl Marx Essay2053 Words   |  9 PagesAdam Smith and Karl Marx Modern political economic theory and philosophy can be greatly attributed to the works of two men who seemingly held polar opposite views on the subject. Adam Smith, a Scottish philosopher, published his most well known work An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations in 1776 and is most often associated with the ideas and principles of the political economic system known as Capitalism. At the other end of the spectrum is Karl Marx; the German philosopherRead MoreKarl Marx, Adam Smith, And Andrew Carnegie1350 Words   |  6 Pages2015 Karl Marx, Adam Smith, and Andrew Carnegie The writings of Karl Marx, Adam Smith, and Andrew Carnegie all made significant impacts in society not only in their time, but continuing to this day. Marx shared is opinions on capitalism and his views of the progression of human society in his writing, The Communist Manifesto which he wrote with Friedrich Engles and published in 1848. Marx believed in the idea of a society with no capitalism and the abolition of the bourgeoisie. Adam Smith wroteRead More Adam Smith v. Karl Marx Essay2236 Words   |  9 PagesAdam Smith v. Karl Marx Being reared in the typical capitalist community in the United States, it is much easier for me to relate to the thoughts of Adam Smith. This is not to say that I do not agree with some of the precepts of pure Communism, but like the old adage says, Communism looks good on paper, but in practice, it is completely ineffective. Historically, this form of government does not tend to succeed because of many factors. Some of these include basic economic differences, individualism

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Controversial Essay Gay Marriage free essay sample

Nebraska, Florida, Michigan, Oklahoma, Mississippi, and Utah all contain a ban against gay adoption. The United States does not include any type of federal law that states whether a state can allow gay or cannot allow gay adoption. The United States is facing a huge dilemma with this debate, and courts are still justifying making this a federal law. While some people believe that letting gays and lesbians have the right to adopt is right because it places children in a better home, while other disagree because they believe it will lead children into emotional disorders. People have not taken the time to realize that gay parenting has always been around for decades, whether we know it or not. The last thing society wants to believe is that homosexuals have always been raising children that have perfectly adapted to other atmospheres. â€Å"On the contrary, gays and lesbians have parenting throughout history, while being forced to hide their sexual orientation from intolerant societies† (Driscoll, Stingl). We will write a custom essay sample on Controversial Essay Gay Marriage or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Most of society has never understood that gay parenting has always been around; they have not yet seen that there is no harm in homosexual homes. Others argue that children living in gay and lesbian homes grow up to follow their parent’s footsteps, but who really says so? Society claims children raised in homosexual homes are likely to be gay, but no studies have proven so. â€Å"Perhaps the greatest fear of all opponents is that children of gays and lesbians will also grow up to be homosexual.. No studies have proven such link† (Driscoll, Stingl). People are timid of the fact that if children rose in households ran by homosexuals that there is a likelier chance of them becoming gay too, but there are no proven facts. Homosexuals have the same ability to raise a child just anyone else, but many deny it. â€Å" Homosexual partners have the dame capacity to care for children as do heterosexuals, and may be more attentive to child-rearing, as they do not raise children conceived ‘by accident’ but only those they have fought against prejudice to obtain† (Pearson). Studies over the years have shown parents that are gay can care for a child just as anyone else could. People are trying to obtain this right for gays and lesbians. Children may not only grow up in the indecisive foster care system, but may grow up in a household without a mother or father due to homosexuality. Children have already suffered enough when it comes to them being tossed from foster home to foster home. Opponents believe that children are better off in foster homes, then homes that intake homosexuality. â€Å"Overall, father love appears to be as heavily implicated as mother love in off springs’ psychological well- being an health† Stanton)†¦ Studies above show parents have the same affection for their children, so without father or mother, they might also develop issues. Without a mother or father, the child can often become sexist towards one gender which is also a main fear. â€Å"Even as the systems and processes are reviewed and altered ton best meet the needs of the children who are wards of the state, the rising question of gay adoption puts children who are already compromised from their experience in the foster care system at even greater risk of trauma† (Chittom, Wagner). Society believes that children in the foster care system have already been through rough situations and putting them in the hands of homosexuals would only make their matters worse. People tend to believes gays are only interested in themselves, and their homosexuality. â€Å"Opponents of same sex adoption promote stereotypes such as the one that gays and lesbians are so preoccupied with their sexuality that they couldn’t possibly share the same innate ability to parents that is the part of being human. Of course such stereotypes are quite besides the fact and border the ridiculous† (Driscoll, Stingl). Stereotypes are a major conflict when it comes to allowing homosexuals to adopt, and society’s opinion is what is stopping them. Whether it would affect the child, or not, people do not like the fact of letting homosexuals adopt. Because of no proven studies that homosexuals will mentally harm children, they still have a chance of winning of their rights. Opponents of gay adoption still disapprove of this idea, and say letting this become legal will harm children. Perhaps the reason that gay adoption is looked at as such a harmful thing is because of all the opponents, and stereotypes. Gays and lesbians have not proved that they would mentally or physically harm the child, others say that letting this become fully legal will only lead children down the wrong path with mental disorders. A lot of people say letting homosexuals adopt will lead to more homosexuality in the United States. The truth of their non-harmful or harmful effects of homosexual adoptions lies beneath future studies.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Why academic writing services are getting importance in the past decades

Sometimes students get stuck in complex subjects at university and collages. They try hard but they cannot make proper assignments on those subject which results in low grades. Also they have to do lots of other tasks so they find themselves difficult to manage all at a time. Academic writing services play an important role to bring an ease in hectic lifer of the students. These services provide students with work idea. From some last decades the importance of academic writings has increased a lot all over the globe. Following are the reasons which make academic services accepted widely. Helps to cultivate writing discipline: Academic papers are compulsory part of student’s education. Academic Paper Writers help you to learn how to convey ideas and place arguments by following the writing disciplines.Academic papers are essential part of the academic studies because it helps the teachers to assess the improved and weak areas of the students. provide MCQ’s and test series to learn academic writing discipline. Academic papers can include; Review writingsJournalsTerm papersEssay writingsResearch papers Services available for different form of writings: The writings provided by academic writing services are straight-forward, informative and analytical. Good academic services provide you with work that engages the reader in scholarly, informative writing. The common form of academic writings services include; Research papersLiterature analysisDissertation Source of earning: Writing is not an easy job and not everyone can be capable of it.When you will start hunt for job you will realize that there are so many companies who are looking for potential writers. One can join academic writing services as; Part-time job (freelancer)Full-time job (professional writer)Online job (home-based) PhD Research Paper Writing Service provide jobs for those who expertise in academic writings and have huge potential so that the can deliver a high quality work to their clients. Distinctive features: There is a clear difference between everyday writings and academic writings.Academic writings consist of different disciplines and have different stylistic conventions. Professional Thesis Writing Services U.S.A provide lots of creative material on academic writing which can help you to understand the different features of academic writing. Following are some of the features the most academic writing services share; Clear focusEvidence based argumentsLogical structureFormal toneNo plagiarismComprehensive and authentic Enhance analytical and critical skills: Students usually take a critical examination of assignments provided by academic writing services.This slowly gradually enhances their critical and analytical skills.They go through the work written by other person to make their own opinion. This exercise increases their different skills with the passage of the time. These skills can be; Improve knowledge understanding: Academic writing services make difficult and complex assignment easy for students. They use authentic and comprehensive material with simple and understandable language. Once they hand over the assignments to the students they must read it or take an over view.This makes their concepts clear and they himself become able to write on those subjects. It gives a chance to explain the topic by them and also use correct terminology and style.Professional academic writing services not only help students to provide assigned work but also make them to understand it by using simple language. Services provided by highly professional compatible writers: The academic writing hire highly professional and skilled writers who make sure to deliver updated and quality work. They do not follow a typical and formal type of writing rather they use innovative ways and ideas of writing. They use different techniques to convey their ideas in best ways. While writing they keep following things under consideration; preferred writing stylerequired formattingto impress readerfollow the given instructionno plagiarismupdated quality work 24/7 availability of online service: These best and legit academic writing services provide customer services 24/7. You can ask for help or guidance any time you feel like. These services provide a highly skilled and trained team who resolve your issues on prior basis. You can avail their services via; e-mailon callonline chat Professional Case Study Writing Services provide highly trained staff and consultants 24/7 for their clients who accommodate them as per their need. They use to resolve your issues as soon as they can so you do not feel uncomfortable. Clear purposes: They have clear purpose that why they are rendering services. They display the clear understanding of particular subject. They understand that students come to them to lessen their burdens. So they make sure that they get their work back it should take all their worries away. The keep following purpose in mind; Explain Describe Write Revisedeliver On-time delivery: Students go for academic writings because they have to submit lots of work in less time. Academic writing services make sure that they deliver work before the time. This helps the students to revise and recheck and can ask for amendment if they want to make some.On-time delivery of assignments make students to feel relax and allow them to submit their work on time. This adds a plus to their marks and they score well. is the name of trust for students to get on time quality work.Their compatible and highly skilled writers submit their assigned tasks on time and do not compromise on the quality of the work.